Vegetarian haggis (filled with oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, turnips, leeks, etc, and similar normal haggis spices, really quite delicious, especially with mashed potatoes, a must to complement the texture of the haggis. I've decided I like haggis quite a bit now, as evidenced by eating it 4 times in 8 days:) ):
The vegetarian haggis, pre-cooked, looks disturbing:
Pork & Apple Sausage roll (the apple makes it taste deeeelicous):
Steak Puff Pastry (which I burned by using the fan in the oven):
Haggis Roll with required brown sauce (yum):
Full Scottish Breakfast made for friends when they visited(Roll with fried egg, lorne sausage (square sausage), bacon (good bacon, not crappy sliced bacon), tomato slice, butter, and brown sauce...Too much meat for anyone in one sitting but quite tasty):
Lautauro purchased me as a gift the largest bag of potato chips he's seen his entire life (at the grocery store here). Filled with 30 individually wrapped bags. Too much plastic. However, cheese and onion chips are a great flavor:
Baked potato with haggis (topped with sour cream). Suprisingly quite delicious:
HP brown sauce has made a new friend:
My first few blogs have started with foods that stink. Now, either I am getting used to the food (which I am), or, I saved all the good tasting foods for last. I even enjoy Bovril (beef broth), from time to time now.
Now, I just want to know, where are all the vegetables?!?!?
I would drop serious dough on you if you became a cam girl